Become a Sustain Ontario Member before April 1st to Participate in Elections

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Author: Jenn Kucharczyk

Posted: February 26, 2014

Categories: GoodFoodBites / News from Sustain Ontario

Sustain Ontario membership badge thumbnail wpThe new membership system is now live at Sustain Ontario!

Sustain Ontario members form the heart of our alliance.  Members identify emerging and continuing priorities, set policy directions and inform the agenda for the Sustain Ontario alliance.

We invite you to become a Member with Sustain Ontario to work with the alliance as part of a province-wide voice for food and farming systems that are healthy, equitable, ecological and financially viable.

SO checkmark transparentSustain Ontario will be conducting elections in April 2014 to form a new Advisory Council, a core group comprised of sector leaders who support the collective interest and cohesion of Sustain Ontario’s members by providing strategic input and vision.

Only Sustain Ontario Members can be nominated and vote for the  Advisory Council, Steering Committee, and Co-Chairs that represent the Alliance. Sign up as a Member in our new system before April 1st, 2014 to be eligible to vote or run as a nominee!

Learn more about the changes to the new Sustain Ontario membership system or learn more about how Sustain Ontario works.

Who can join?


New eligibility criteria has been introduced to make Membership more meaningful. Membership is open to incorporated and non-incorporated not-for-profit organizations or groups and to for- profit businesses and social enterprises that are located and owned in Ontario. Members must be primarily involved in food and farming.

National organizations and groups are welcome to join Sustain Ontario as Members, provided they have substantial activity within Ontario, and are primarily involved in food and farming.

Members pay an annual Membership fee and must sign a pledge to the following statement:

“We commit to working collaboratively with diverse groups from across the province to help create food and farming systems that are healthy, ecological, equitable and financially viable.”

Join Sustain Ontario as a Member.


Sustain Ontario membership badge thumbnail wp

The new Members Directory will be populated as new Members sign on and our previous Members renew. Members will be able to update and enhance their directory listings to share their work and innovative projects with the Sustain Ontario community with greater ease. We hope that you will join us in this exciting step forward as we work to transform Ontario’s food systems together!

Join the Supporter Circle – An Alternative to Membership


Supporters help ensure that Ontario has a healthy food and farming system by lending their voice, skills, financial support and time to the work of the Alliance.

Supporters are:
○ individuals that do not belong to a Member organization and
○ organizations and businesses  that want to support the work of the Alliance but are prevented from participating as a Member due to geographic or other restrictions.

Supporters agree to the same pledge as Members.

“We commit to working collaboratively with diverse groups from across the province to help create food and farming systems that are healthy, ecological, equitable and financially viable.”

Supporter Fees

Groups and Individuals that sit on the Supporter Circle are also asked to provide financial support.

Individual: $50 | Group: $200

Supporters may elect to be listed on the Sustain Ontario website. Learn more about the Supporter Circle.

Join the Supporter Circle.


Sustain Ontario membership badge thumbnail wp