Job Opportunity: Meal Exchange Sponsorship Assistant (Part Time)

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Author: Danielle Lewis

Posted: December 13, 2013

Categories: News from Sustain Members / Opportunities / Volunteer. Job and Writing Opportunities

Meal Exchange-150x150Position Title: Sponsorship Assistant

Salary: $15.00/hour

Anticipated Start Date: Week of January 13, 2014

Location: Toronto, Ontario

Our awesome office partner, Meal Exchange, is looking for someone to work 8 hours per week, for approximately 16 weeks, as a Sponsorship Assistant. The selected candidate will assist the Development Officer in the preparation and submission of sponsorship proposals (both financial and in-kind) for Trick or Eat and the National Student Food Summit. For more details please refer to the job posting.

To apply: Submit a cover letter and resume to by Wednesday, December 18th at 5:00pm.

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