Consider the Mobile Abattoir — News from the Yukon

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Author: Hillary Barter

Posted: December 13, 2013

Categories: Food in the News / The Meat Press

A Mobile Abattoir has been operating for 7 years in the Yukon.  But now – for this year only! – the service is being offered to farmers FOR FREE!BIZabattoir1

Says Kevin Bowers of the Yukon Ministry of Agriculture,  “I’m hoping that the producers who used it for the first time this year will consider continuing to use it in the future, whether it’s free or whether there’s a fee for service.”  After all, the service is fast, professional, and avoids costly/stressful journeys for the animals OR difficult and time-intensive backyard slaughter, writes Al Pope.

The abattoir was an initiative of the Ministry of Agriculture; a response to research that showed that a lack of slaughter services was stopping farmers from offering more local, government-inspected for commercial sale in the region.  Ever since, the department of agriculture has been funding it, and it’s currently being used to process pigs, cattle, bison and elk.

For more about the Yukon’s unique approach to turning farmers towards mobile abattoirs, check out this article from the Yukon News.

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