Second Edition of the Rural Landowner Stewardship Guide

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Author: Danielle Lewis

Posted: December 6, 2013

Categories: Food in the News / GoodFoodBites / News from Sustain Members

Rural Landowner Stewardship Guide

In an effort to keep the Rural Landowner Stewardship Guide fresh and informative it is now available in an updated second edition. Updated sections include matters associated with water quality and source water protection, species at risk, and climate change adaptation. The overriding goal of the Rural Landowner Stewardship Guide is to protect and enhance the quality of our natural environment, both groundwater and surface water, and the natural landscape features that support these ecosystems.

The 220 page report, with over 100 ‘best practice’ activities that can be associated with a rural property, has many applications of use. The Guide, originally published in 2007 and based on the successful Environmental Farm Plan, has been used by various environmental agencies in Ontario to further collaborative efforts in rural land ecosystem health. Funding from non-profits, private foundations, and government agencies can be useful for incentivising the use of the Guide in conjunction with specific environmental improvement initiatives.

The new edition can be downloaded at

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