UPDATED: SAVE THE DATE – Carving our Niche: Growing the Grass Fed Beef Market on February 24th

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Author: Carolyn

Posted: November 27, 2013

Categories: Events / GoodFoodBites / News from Sustain Ontario

Grass Fed Beef Conference Logo


WHAT: Join the 1st annual conference, “Carving our Niche: Growing the Grass Fed Beef Market“, to discuss and share ideas on the production, marketing, promotion, and sale of grass fed beef in Ontario!

WHEN: Monday, February 24th, 2014 **Please note change in date!**

WHERE: Black Creek Conference Centre,
1000 Murray Ross Parkway, Toronto, ON

WHO: We are bringing together stakeholders from all levels of the value chain to hone in on the major challenges and key issues affecting the industry, and to collaborate on effective solutions.

Dr. Allen Williams

Along with Ontario farmers and advocates, we are pleased to announce Dr. Allen Williamas our keynote speaker.  Dr. Williams holds a Ph.D in Animal Breeding and Genetics from Louisiana State University, and brings a wealth of knowledge on farm and ranch financial analysis, reproductive efficiency, forage and grazing management, and genetic selection.



5 responses to “UPDATED: SAVE THE DATE – Carving our Niche: Growing the Grass Fed Beef Market on February 24th”

  1. The Farmer's Daughter says:

    how does one register

  2. Jenn Kucharczyk says:

    Registration isn’t open just yet. Sign up for the Sustain Ontario newsletter to be the first to know when registration launches.

  3. Aspiring Grass-Fed Beef Farmer says:

    also, is there a cost?

  4. Registration isn’t open just yet. Sign up for the Sustain Ontario newsletter to be the first to know when registration launches.

  5. There will be a cost to attend the conference sessions. Prices will be announced with registration in the new year.

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