Upcoming Event: Eating Our Way to a Flourishing Future

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Author: Ravi Singh

Posted: November 12, 2013

Categories: Events / Food in the News

Harry Stoddart’s Real Dirt is available for purchase here.

On November 26th at 7 pm, farmer Harry Stoddart will be delivering a presentation, which will also include a Q & A session, on the impact of our food choices on our future. The presentation will take place at PJ’s Restaurant on the University of Guelph Campus.

Mr. Stoddart’s book Real Dirt: An Ex-Industrial Farmer’s Guide to Sustainable Eating, is available for purchase here.

More information on the event, courtesy of realdirt.ca, below:

Eating Our Way to a Flourishing Future

Your food choices are transforming the planet, for better or worse. What choices lead to a flourishing future? What choices are diminishing the future? Sixth-generation Ontario farmer Harry Stoddart will connect the dots between what we choose to eat and the solutions to major challenges facing society. Find out how your diet can transform agriculture into humanity’s most effective tool in our fight against climate change, preserving biodiversity and ecosystems, and in the fight against hunger.

Harry is a graduate of the University of Guelph with both a B. Sc.(Agr.) and M.Sc. in agricultural economics. Harry, his wife Silvia, and their children currently raise 100% grass-fed beef and lamb on certified organic pastures north east of Toronto. Their agricultural pursuits have included a conventional farrow-to-finish hog and cash-crop operation, 2000 acres of certified organic grain crops and 5 acres of certified organic vegetables. Harry is an Associate of The George Morris Centre, a faculty member in the Sustainable Agriculture Program at Fleming College in Lindsay, and author of the insightful new book, Real Dirt – An Ex-industrial Farmer’s Guide to Sustainable Eating.

Praise for Real Dirt: An Ex-industrial Farmer’s Guide to Sustainable Eating:

You completely ignore every orthodoxy, which allows you to speak about both with unusual credibility. It’ll piss everybody off, I’m sure, but I found it very persuasive on many points. Also well written and clear and funny. Congratulations– it’s an important contribution to the conversation.

– Michael Pollan, International best-selling author of Omnivore’s Dilemma and Cooked

More important than an analytical explanation of the challenges facing food production are the solutions offered.  Stoddart recognizes that this book unearths “sacred cows” on both sides of the debate as to how agriculture can continue to be sustainable.  The author advocates for rational dialogue to foster integration of these systems rather than following an either/or philosophy. 

– Dr. Frank Ingratta, Retired Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, Ontario

Harry Stoddart

The Stoddart Family Farm

Phone: 705-786-7705

Fax:     705-786-7706





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