“Look How Much We’ve Grown”: Bring Food Home Opening Plenary to Celebrate Milestones in the Food Movement

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Author: Jenn Kucharczyk

Posted: November 8, 2013

Categories: GoodFoodBites / News from Sustain Ontario

Kickstarting Bring Food Home 2013, “Look How Much We’ve Grown: Milestones in the Food Movement” will be an opportunity for some of the food movement’s longest-standing advocates to celebrate our successes over the last 5 years.

Moderated by Bryan Gilvesy, Sustain Ontario Advisory Council co-chair and owner of Y U Ranch, the panel will feature:




Debbie Field, Executive Director of Foodshare Toronto, speaking to the great strides we’ve made in getting fresh, healthy food into the hands and children and youth in Ontario schools;



Anan Lololi, Co-Founder and Executive Director of Afri-Can FoodBasket, will look back to the beginnings of the food justice movement and reflect what’s changed and what hasn’t over the last five years.



Carl Cosack from the North Dufferin Agricultural and Community Taskforce will speak to overwhelming support for the No mega-quarry campaign and the on-going struggle to protect prime agricultural lands;



Wayne Roberts, food policy analyst and former manager of the Toronto Food Policy Council, will celebrate the explosion in the number of food charter and food policy councils across Ontario;



We’ve made enormous leaps and bounds since Bring Food Home 2011, and now’s the time to celebrate those changes! It’s also a time to reflect on the great connections and understanding we’ve built as a movement. Come and share what you’ve achieved in your own community and learn from others.

Register for Bring Food Home to attend this opening plenary session!


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