Farmers Share with Canadians in Need

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Author: Carolyn

Posted: October 15, 2013

Categories: Food in the News

Farm Credit Canada, Canada’s leading lender for agriculture and agribusinesses, released an article stating that farmers are teaming up with food banks to help feed Canadians in need.  Almost 900,000 Canadians use emergency food services such as food banks each month, with children representing 38% of the total.  To help alleviate this staggering figure, farmers have been collaborating with food banks across the country to provide sufficient meals for those less fortunate.

Recently, Turkey Farmers of Canada donated $56,500 to Food Banks Canada, honoring a five-year partnership of the two organizations. This contribution will be used by various rural food banks across Canada to purchase turkey products for their clients in time for Thanksgiving.   Through its ‘Drive Away Hunger’ Campaign, Farm Credit Canada (FCC) declared more than 3.3 millions pounds of food had been collected.

The ‘Give What You Grow’ option, in association with the FCC campaign, allows producers to donate their products to the campaign. This could include an animal, a certain amount of crops, or cash proceeds from the sale of those products. Turkey Farmers of Ontario Program chair Mark Davies states “…we hope Canadians will take it upon themselves to donate a few dollars, or even a turkey, and help a neighbor to enjoy the Thanksgiving tradition as well.”

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