What food policy idea do you want included in the Speech from the Throne? Food Secure Canada wants to know.

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Author: Kathleen Rendek

Posted: October 11, 2013

Categories: GoodFoodBites / News from Sustain Members / Policy News

Having recognized that this year’s Speech from the Throne onWednesday, October 16th coincides with World Food Day, Food Secure Canada (FSC) has launched a user-generated video campaign using YouTube asking Canadian’s what food policies they would like to see included in Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s speech.   

Representing anannual tradition throughout the British Commonwealth, the Speech from the Throne officially marks the return of parliament into session.  As part of the formalities, the speech acts tooutline the federal policy agenda and strategies for the upcoming season.  Considering the significance of this speech, FSC sees it as an ideal platform for engaging with political leaders and promoting the development of a more equitable, healthy, and sustainable national food strategy.  As explained in a press release by Diane Bronson, Executive Director of FSC,

“A Speech From the Throne on World Food Day is an opportunity to highlight the food crises we are facing and propose clear steps forward.  We need to know that our political leaders are hearing our concerns and committed to developing a national food policy.”

 While a number of Canadian’s have already participated in the campaign, there is still time to join and share your policy ideas.  If you are interested, this is how:

Record yourself in a 30-second video using your computer or phone, with the following format:

  • My name is…
  • I’m from….
  • On World Food Day, I would announce…


  • Upload your video on Youtube if you have a Youtube account:
  • Name it “WFDFSC2013: (YOUR NAME)’s Speech from the Throne”
  • Tag it “Food Throne Speech”,



For more information contact:

Diana Bronson, Executive Director, at 514 271-7352 or cell 514 629 9236 or diana@foodsecurecanada.org


Nydia Dauphin, Communications, at 514 271-7352 or cell 819  or 819-598-4416 nydia@foodsecurecanada.org



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