New Project: Fresh from the Farm, Healthy Fundraising for Ontario Schools

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Author: Andreea Nicoara

Posted: September 17, 2013

Categories: economic development / Edible Education Network / Food in the News / Good Food Ideas for Kids / Growing Good Food Ideas / News from Sustain Members

Fresh from the Farm: Healthy fundraising for Ontario schools, a pilot project of Eat Right Ontario, itself an initiative of Dietitians of Canada, officially launched its registration on September 3rd. Select schoolboards from northern and southwestern Ontario have been invited to participate during this pilot stage. Registration closes October 7th.

This program is designed to “provide schools [with] the opportunity to raise funds by selling fresh, Ontario fruit and vegetables to the community, while supporting healthy eating and Ontario’s farmers.” The Fresh from the Farm program requires online registration to ensure product ordering and program delivery of Ontario-grown fruit and vegetables in November.

The project’s success will develop the infrastructure for a sustainable program framework, which will include many school boards and schools in Ontario. Along with the produce delivery, the project will enrich local economies by connecting schools with provincial farmers, and provide additional opportunities to teach students about agriculture and food.

Help spread the news by sharing this Fresh from the Farm flyer!


For more information please visit the Fresh from the Farm website, or email Cathy O’Connor from Dietitians of Canada at

One response to “New Project: Fresh from the Farm, Healthy Fundraising for Ontario Schools”

  1. […] more Sustain Ontario entries about the initial stages of the project, as well as an update from the project’s second […]

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