Funding Opportunity: Local Food Fund now open for applications

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Author: Jenn Kucharczyk

Posted: September 16, 2013

Categories: Food in the News / Funding Opportunities / GoodFoodBites / Opportunities

From the OMAF media release [16 September 2013]:

At a visit to Foodshare Toronto today, Premier Kathleen Wynne announced that applications are now open for a new Local Food Fund. The fund is part of a $30 million dollar investment from the province to create jobs and support innovative local food projects over the next three years. This fund is also part of the government’s broader local food strategy to increase awareness and demand for foods grown and made in Ontario.

The Fund will support projects over three years in four categories:

  1. Regional and Local Food Networks
  2. Enhanced Technologies, Capacity and/or Minor Capital
  3. Research and Best Practices
  4. Education, Marketing and Outreach


Visit the OMAF website for more information about Fund applications and guidelines.

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