Growing Good Food Ideas Spotlight: Local Food Plus

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Author: Jenn Kucharczyk

Posted: August 12, 2013

Categories: Featured Videos / Growing Good Food Ideas / News from Sustain Members / News from Sustain Ontario

Powerline Films has been traveling across Ontario gathering stories of people and places that are transforming the future of food. Created in partnership with Sustain Ontario and more than a dozen partners, these videos shine light on good food ideas from many regions of our province.

At the beginning of each week, we put one of the videos in the spotlight so you can feast your eyes on the good food ideas developing across the province. This week’s video features Local Food Plus. Watch the rest of the videos on


This video looks at Local Food Plus (LFP) and their positive impact on the community as a third party certifying body that works to build awareness amongst consumers about the value of buying locally produced food. LFP has developed a certification protocol to assess farms and processors with environmental and sustainable practices so various buyers can find certifiably local sustainable food. This work allows for expanding markets at home and better choices in buying food. We see numerous vibrant, healthy farms and food along with a network of passionate individuals that care for the well-being of their consumers – consumers who can securely know, for instance, that an apple was grown sustainably in their backyard.

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