Report on Household Food Insecurity in Canada
Posted: July 25, 2013
Categories: Food in the News
A recent report released by PROOF, an interdisciplinary and internationally-based group of researchers focussed on policy development aiming to combat food insecurity in Canada, examines food insecurity over the course of 2011. The report, a collaborative effort between authors Valerie Tarasuk, Andy Mitchell, and Naomi Dachner, combines data and policy recommendations and is the first report to examine food insecurity beyond what is indicated by food bank use.
The full report can be downloaded here. The following statement from the report’s lead author Valerie Tarasuk outlines the pressing nature of the problem of food insecurity in Canada:
“Almost 3.9 million Canadians experienced some level of food insecurity in 2011. This marks an increase of over 450,000 people since 2008. It includes 1.1 million children living in households that have worried about running out of food, made compromises in the quality of their diets, ate less than they felt they should, and possibly gone without eating, all because they did not have the money to buy more food. The seriousness of this situation, its impact on individuals, families, communities, on our health care system and economy over all, cannot be overstated. The problem is not under control and more effective responses are urgently needed from all levels of government.”
The following infographic from PROOF details key findings and facts relating to food insecurity across Canada. Clicking the image will direct the reader to the full report.

Infographic from PROOF detailing key facts about food insecurity in Canada. Click image for full report.