“Put Food in the Budget” Seeks Social Assistance Increase

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Author: Danny Brown

Posted: July 22, 2013

Categories: GoodFoodBites / News from Sustain Members / News from Sustain Ontario

Courtesy of flickr user Editor BFrom a recent op-ed in the Toronto Star, “Put Food in the Budget” is asking Ontario’s elected officials to increase social assistance rates by $100 per month:

“The 14 members of the cabinet’s poverty reduction committee include 10 ministers, three parliamentary assistants and former speaker Alvin Curling. With  [Ted] McMeekin as co-chair, how could this committee lack the clout to persuade 25 cabinet members to raise the rates? The government’s own Commission for the Review of Social Assistance concluded that current social assistance rates are completely inadequate, and urged immediate action. If committee members are not convinced — please tell us why — we’ll speak to them directly about their concerns.”


The piece in full can be found here.

You can sign a letter supporting “Put Food in the Budget’s” request as well.


One response to ““Put Food in the Budget” Seeks Social Assistance Increase”

  1. Bishop Hammy says:

    If the CACL – Canadian Anti Corruption League was able to influence this program we advocate a GAI Guaranteed annual income that would be well above what is now available but there would be some form of work performed in order to achieve that level providing there is bonafide reason not to be involved. We need people growing fresh vegetables in our cities. http://www.canadiananticorruptionleague.org.

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