Ontario Independent Poultry Processors (OIPP) Warn Sector is in Crisis

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Author: Danny Brown

Posted: July 22, 2013

Categories: Food in the News / News from Sustain Ontario / The Meat Press

Courtesy of flickr user normanack

The Ontario Independent Poultry Processors want an unbiased task force to be formed to address what they are calling a crisis in the province’s poultry farming and processing industry. They want several issues of concern addressed in a systematic manner instead of lengthy and discrete battles being fought in the courts, all for the benefit of consumers. From Better Farming:

“While there is full political support at Queen’s Park for the proposed Local Food Act, Chicken Farmers of Ontario can’t deliver on a key message in the act’s preamble – that Ontarians have access to local, fresh and culturally appropriate food, the letter says.

Asked what are the three main matters of the eight the association raised in its letter, John Slot, OIPP general manager, says an important one is full implementation of the specialty market policy developed under the commission’s direction…[another] matter is that the French-speaking eastern Ontario producers being able to ship their chickens to Quebec…[and] OIPP also mentioned the small bird flock exemption and that it should be increased or equal to other provinces’ amounts.”



One response to “Ontario Independent Poultry Processors (OIPP) Warn Sector is in Crisis”

  1. MCR says:

    I’m all for the small bird flock exemption. It’s only reasonable, and would benefit both consumers and farmers. It’s one of the few initiatives, in any category, that I can wholeheartedly support with no reservations. Good luck to them. http://ht.ly/ncPs5

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