Funding Opportunity: Market Access Grant Stream from the Greenbelt Fund

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Author: Jenn Kucharczyk

Posted: July 22, 2013

Categories: Food in the News / Funding Opportunities / GoodFoodBites / News from Sustain Members / Opportunities

The Greenbelt Fund is launching a new Market Access grant stream to provide more funding opportunities to businesses and groups working to build the reach and capacity of local food ventures in wholesale and commercial markets in Ontario. Full proposals for the first round of grants are due August 5th for projects commencing in the fall. Read on for more information about the grant stream’s objectives, eligibility guidelines, and application process.



Demand for Ontario food has never been stronger, with consumers applying pressure on retail, institutional, and foodservice operators to have more local and regional options available. In order to meet this demand at a competitive price, Ontario’s agri-food industry needs to find efficient and cost-effective ways of bringing more of Ontario’s diverse, high-quality products to these markets.

Regional aggregators and value-added service providers (often referred to as ‘food hubs’) are proliferating across North America as a viable option for providing efficient local and regional value chain linkages to small and medium sized farmers and processors. Given market trends, these services are instrumental in getting these smaller enterprises access to mainstream foodservice and retail markets.

The new grant stream builds on the success of the Greenbelt Fund’s Broader Public Sector grant stream; increasing the amount of local food used in hospitals, schools, daycares, and other public institutions.

The Market Access grant stream distributes grants under two headings – expansion and new ventures.


1.   Expanding Established Models
For successful regional food aggregation, value-add, and distribution businesses already operating in Ontario to
either expand their operations or increase the amount of services provided in support of Ontario
farmers and processors.

Developing New Ventures
In the event that there is no existing operation for expansion, funding is available to start-up projects with experienced management teams.

2.   Assessing Opportunities – Market Analysis
For groups interested in evaluating and analysing the opportunities for establishing a food hub, regional
aggregation facility, or value-added service.

3.   Business Planning
For groups who have completed a thorough market analysis demonstrating a demand for the proposed food hub,
regional aggregator, or value added service provider, who are ready to develop a business plan for the project.

4.   Launching New Initiatives
For groups having completed both a full market analysis and business plan that clearly demonstrate the demand
and projected success for the proposed food hub, regional aggregator, or value-added service provider, funding is
available to begin these projects.

Full proposals for the first round of grants are due August 5, 2013 for projects commencing in the fall. There will be additional intakes for this program. For detailed program guidelines, click here. For an application form, click here.


Jennifer Asselin
Communications Manager
Greenbelt Fund
Phone: (416) 960-0001, ext. 306

Megan Hunter
Communications and Program Manager
Greenbelt Fund
Phone: (416) 960-0001, ext. 315

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