Northumberland’s Niche Food Processing Facility Seeks Manager

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Author: Danny Brown

Posted: July 15, 2013

Categories: News from Sustain Members / Opportunities / Volunteer. Job and Writing Opportunities

Photo by flickr user BobolinkAfter a year-long conversation with local producers, municipal staff, and provincial officials, Northumberland County is set to construct a new food processing facility. Using funds obtained through a 2011-2012 Local Food Business Retention and Expansion (BR+E) grant from the province, the new facility is expected to bring employment opportunities, foster an enhanced sense of entrepreneurship, and increase demand for local food in Eastern Ontario. It is also hoped that this new infrastructure will allow a new generation of food producers and processors to learn new skills and apply them in their local communities.

Although there is still some negotiation to be done to finalize the details of the project’s construction and eventual opening, Northumberland County’s Economic Development and Tourism Department is confident that it will be operational shortly. To that end, they have posted a job opening for an Operations Manager for the facility. If you are passionate about local food and about making a difference in Ontario’s rural communities make sure you apply to the posting by July 26, 2013.

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