Farm Start: Introduction to Pastured Poultry Workshop

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Author: Jolene Cushman

Posted: July 3, 2013

Categories: GoodFoodBites / News from Sustain Members

On Saturday, July 13, Farm Start is hosting an introduction to pastured poultry workshop.

This very popular workshop is offered by Tarrah Young from Green Being Farm. Tarrah, who raises chickens and turkeys on pasture, will explain her system from day-old chicks and poults to the finished product. Topics to be covered include brooder design, feed requirements, bird health, marketing, and calculating sale prices based on the cost of production.

When: Saturday July, 13, 9:30am-4:00pm

Where:  Green Being Farm, 221788 Concession #14 RR#1 Neustadt. View Map

Cost: $95 (+HST) per person or $171 (+HST) for a farm team of 2

To register for the workshop, click here.

To learn more about Farm Start’s wide range of courses and workshops, visit their workshop page.

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