Growing Good Food Ideas Spotlight: Nishnawbe Aski Nation Get Growing Project

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Author: Jolene Cushman

Posted: July 2, 2013

Categories: News from Sustain Ontario

Get Growing Project from Sustain Ontario on Vimeo.

Powerline Films has been traveling across Ontario gathering stories of people and places that are transforming the future of food. Created in partnership with Sustain Ontario and more than a dozen partners, these videos shine light on good food ideas from many regions of our province.

At the beginning of each week, we put one of the videos in the spotlight so you can feast your eyes on the good food ideas developing across the province. This week’s video features the communities of the Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) Get Growing Project. Watch the rest of the videos on

The Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) Get Growing Project is an inspiring example of community members coming together to tackle issues of food access and food insecurity from the ground up. As explained by Wendy Trylinski, Community Program Coordinator at NAN, the Get Growing Project is a community-based initiative focused on securing access to healthy and affordable food, especially in more remote communities. Currently, five First Nations communities have been involved in the project, which has supplied members of those communities with the skills and tools for growing food in their own community gardens. The project has experienced incredible success in its pilot stage and hopes to expand into more communities in the future.

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