CFIA (Re)definition of Local Food

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Author: Matthew Landry

Posted: June 27, 2013

Categories: GoodFoodBites / News from Sustain Ontario

On May 10 of this year, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency greatly expanded its definition of local food.

Historically, the CFIA has defined local food as food produced within 50kms of where it’s sold. The new interim policy, however, has expanded that definition to include food produced within the province in which it is sold, or within 50kms of the province of origin.

Reaction to the policy change has been mixed, with sharp opinions on both sides of the argument. In response, CFIA has launched an online consultation process.  We encourage all of our members to take part in this important process. The process ends August 30th, 2013.

CFIA news release regarding consultation process:

CFIA Online Consultation Questionnaire:

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