Feedback on Ontario’s Meat Regulations

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Author: Hillary Barter

Posted: June 8, 2013

Categories: Food in the News / The Meat Press / Working Group News

The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food (OMAF) has been working on some amendments to Ontario’s Meat Regulations and they recently released a formal proposal outlining these suggested changes.  But before deciding which changes to actually enact – and how – they’ve asked for feedback from those who produce, process and eat meat (including us at Sustain Ontario!)

On June 7th, after consulting with members of our Meat Working Group as well as other farmers, abattoir operators and concerned eaters, we submitted a letter outlining some thoughts on the proposed changes and how they might impact local & sustainable meat production.  Take a look: Feedback on Proposed Changes.

If you’re interested in these issues – and in what we can do to make our local meat production systems stronger – get in touch! You can join our listserve by emailing



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