Welcome to our new volunteer interns & co-op students!

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Author: Josie Di Felice

Posted: June 5, 2013

Categories: Food in the News

Sustain Ontario is thrilled to welcome 4 co-op students and 8 volunteer interns for the summer months!

Shannon Oletic (University of Western Ontario), Kate Balah (Sheridan College of Design), Danny Brown (University of Toronto – Urban Planning), and Grace Babington (University of Toronto) have joined the Sustain team for the summer as part of a university co-op placement. Shannon will be employing her varied skills to help with strategic development, events, and the Farm to School Challenge. Kate will be using her illustration skills for logo development and conference promotion material. Danny Brown will be contributing to policy development and improving community engagement through social media, and Grace will be helping to improve office systems.

Eight people have also joined Sustain Ontario’s internship program, where they will be volunteering 10 hours a week with various projects. Matthew Landry and Emily Barrette will be working on various policy related activities, including supporting the Sustainable Restaurants Working Group and Ontario Food and Nutrition Strategy. Dilya Niezova will be joining the strategic development team and Allie Penner will be developing a social enterprise business plan. Kevin Draper and David Arron will be bringing their expertise in government policy analysis to Sustain Ontario’s government relations team. Alia Karim will be adding her energy to support Sustain working groups activities and Jolene Cushman will be bringing her enthusiasm to further develop the communication side of Sustain projects.

We are also very happy to announce that several interns from the Spring have also decided to stay on in various capacities, which includes Ravi Singh (government relations), Hillary Barter (Meat Working Group), Josie Difelice (Communications, Ontario Edible Education Network, and Farm to School Challenge), Olwen Bennett (Community Garden Network), Nicole Norris (Ontario Food and Nutrition Strategy), and Iana Mologuina (Bring Food Home).

Thanks to everyone! We look forward to working with all of you this summer!

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