Chai Kosher Poultry Closes in Toronto
Posted: June 5, 2013
Categories: Food in the News / The Meat Press
With the shuttering of Chai Kosher Poultry in Toronto, Better Farming reports, Montreal’s Marvid Poultry is now the sole supplier of Ontario’s kosher chicken supply.
With over 75 000 kosher chickens moving through the market every week in Canada, and with Toronto representing the majority of that market, this news presents difficulties for kosher chicken consumers to buy locally. Although the supply and cost of kosher chickens will in all likelihood not be affected by this development, it is nonetheless worrisome that in the country’s largest kosher chicken market the product must be sourced elsewhere.
Read the full article here…
One response to “Chai Kosher Poultry Closes in Toronto”
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Marvid Poultry is charging 50% more than Chai was for their chicken and the quality is nowhere near what Chai was offering. I paid $27 for last Shabbos’s chicken.