Growing Good Food Ideas Spotlight: Community Food Centres Canada

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Author: Jenn Kucharczyk

Posted: May 21, 2013

Categories: Food in the News / Growing Good Food Ideas

Powerline Films has been traveling across Ontario gathering stories of people and places that are transforming the future of food. Created in partnership with Sustain Ontario and more than a dozen partners, these videos shine light on good food ideas from many regions of our province.

At the beginning of each week, we put one of the videos in the spotlight so you can feast your eyes on the good food ideas developing across the province. This week’s video comes from Community Food Centre Canada (CFCC). Watch the rest of the videos on


These vibrant and welcoming Community Food Centres (CFCs for short) are popping up all across Canada! Take a peek inside a few different centres, including the first one – The Stop in Toronto – as well as newer ones in Perth and Stratford, Ontario.  Originally a food bank, The Stop was radically transformed in the late 1990s into a community gathering space that aims to boost food access and promote skill building and education around food and social justice.  Not to be mistaken for a food bank as we usually understand them, Community Food Centres like The Stop do promote the sharing of good quality food – among lots of other things.  The idea of gathering all sorts of programs under one roof for more impact is at the core of ‘Community Food Centres Canada,’ which emerged in 2010 with the aim of expanding the reach of these innovative food centres.  Watch this video to learn more about the growth of CFC’s in Canada and see for yourself some of the much-needed roles they play in developing healthy communities and engaged citizens!

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Link to our Facebook page: Community Food Centres Canada

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