Meeting on Regulation in Small Meat Processing

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Author: Hillary Barter

Posted: May 19, 2013

Categories: Events / GoodFoodBites / The Meat Press

Sustain Ontario’s ‘Meat Working Group’ will be hosting a meeting on Friday May 24th from 10 am to 3:30 pm to discuss regulations in the meat processing sector.  The discussion will take place at CSI-Annex, 720 Bathurst Street, Toronto and is scheduled for the day before the Food and Farms Finance Forum, a conference about growing and financing local food initiatives.

We have a great opportunity to learn from two knowledgeable individuals from BC (Kathleen Gibson of GBH Consulting Group and Abra Brynne of Food Secure Canada) who have a lot of experience with regulation in the meat processing sector, and with the particular challenges of small processors.  Also, we’d like to take the opportunity to talk about issues facing processors here in Ontario and to discuss responses to the proposed changes to Ontario’s meat regulations, (more on the process currently underway at OMAF is available here).  Plus, it’ll be a chance for people with various interests in small meat processing / production to meet each other and share ideas!

Over the course of the day Kathleen and Abra will share their thoughts on some of the issues faced by small processors in BC, as well as tips on what what works and what have been feasible ways of moving forward for them.  We’ll also reserve some time for small group discussion, including soliciting feedback on Sustain Ontario’s recommendations to the proposed meat regulation changes.

Please let us know if you’re interested in joining the conversation! Email for more info.

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