National Student Food Summit 2013

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Nope, you're not on the wrong site – we're updating our look and content! Keep your eyes peeled for more changes!

Author: Alia Karim

Posted: May 16, 2013

Categories: Events / Food in the News / Food Strategies / Local Procurement / News from Sustain Ontario / Opportunities / Research / Schools

All information below from Meal Exchange: 

Open call for student showcases!

Deadline for submissions — May 31, 2013.

On August 16-18th the National Student Food Summit will be held at the University of Toronto. With this year’s theme being, ”Cultivating Change on Campus” students working on issues related to food are invited to attend this 3-day summit for an opportunity to interact with like-minded peers and leaders from a variety of sectors and backgrounds (health, poverty, environment, food industry, NGO’s and more!). The focus this year remains on the campus, so we will continue to showcase some of the brilliant work from students across the country that are striving to push the food movement forward and improve their campus food systems.

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