Job Opportunity: Policy Research Internship at The Atmospheric Fund

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Author: Ravi Singh

Posted: May 6, 2013

Categories: Opportunities / Volunteer. Job and Writing Opportunities

Logo via the City of Toronto.

The Atmospheric Fund is offering a paid “Policy Researcher” internship running from June to August of 2013. According to the official job description:

The Policy Researcher will work under the supervision of the VP Programs and Partnerships to provide background research related to key policy areas of potential interest to TAF, identify key policy players, describe the roles they are currently playing or plan to play in the future, and to assist in developing a recommendations report concerning the most appropriate and effective roles TAF could consider playing in this sphere.

Applications may be submitted by forwarding a CV and cover letter to:

Lyle Jones, Stakeholder and Engagement Coordinator

About The Atmospheric Fund (via the City of Toronto):

The City of Toronto established Toronto Atmospheric Fund in 1991 to focus on reducing local greenhouse gas and air pollution emissions. Working with a $23 million endowment from the sale of the long-closed Langstaff Jail Farm, TAF operates as an arms-length agency at no cost to the City. TAF helps the City achieve the targets set out in the Council-approved climate plan and supports energy cost savings through energy efficiency. TAF-supported projects such as a streetlighting retrofit, traffic light LED conversion, and building retrofits have generated $55 million in savings for the city to date.

Full details on the position, including responsibilities, qualifications, and compensation can be found here.



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