Growing Good Food Ideas Video Launch: Event Recording Now Available!

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Author: Jenn Kucharczyk

Posted: April 29, 2013

Categories: GoodFoodBites / Growing Good Food Ideas / News from Sustain Ontario

Bryan Gilvesy, Co-Chair of Sustain Ontario's Advisory Council, greets MPP Jeff Leal, Minister of Rural Affairs, and Premier Kathleen Wynne, Minister of Agriculture and Food

Sustain Ontario and Powerline Films launched the second round of Growing Good Food Ideas videos to an enthusiastic full room at Queen’s Park last Wednesday. The event featured special remarks by Premier Wynne as well as several of our video partners, highlighted by clips from the newly released videos.

Premier Wynne celebrated the energy of Ontario’s local food movement captured in the videos: “There is a groundswell [of organizations supporting local food in Ontario]… Sustain Ontario is tapping into something right now: a real desire to understand more about our food, our food production. That is really the thrust of the Local Food Act… that we do everything we can to support the notion of growing, buying, producing, processing locally and eating good Ontario local food.” Watch the full event in the video below, or visit Flickr to see a photo gallery of the event.

The new videos build on a first round of Growing Good Food Ideas videos from 2011-2012. All 54 videos are available at

We would like to extend our thanks to Premier Wynne, attending Members of Provincial Parliament and members of the Ontario public service, and our video partners who took part in this exciting occasion.

We encourage you to share the videos far and wide! Host a screening, embed the videos on your website, or direct people to to help inspire good food ideas to grow.

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