TOMORROW: Sustain Ontario Launches 2012-2013 Series of Growing Good Food Ideas Videos

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Author: Ravi Singh

Posted: April 23, 2013

Categories: Events / Growing Good Food Ideas

Sustain Ontario, in collaboration with Powerline Films and 17 partner organizations, is excited to launch the new 2012-2013 Growing Good Food Ideas videos tomorrow (April 24th) with a special event at the Ontario Legislature from 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Premier Kathleen Wynne will be in attendance, delivering a short address alongside representatives from various partners of the Growing Good Food Ideas project including:

  • Karen Hutchinson and Bryan Gilvesy (Co-Chairs, Sustain Ontario Advisory Council)

  • Simon Brothers (Powerline Films)

  • Jamie Reaume (Executive Director, Holland Marsh Growers Association)

  • Joseph LeBlanc (President, True North Community Cooperative)

  • Hannah Renglich (Network Animator, Local Organic Food Co-Ops Network)

Registration for the Queen’s Park event is now closed. Regrettably, the scheduled webcast has been cancelled due to last minute technical difficulties. A recording of the event will be made available as soon as possible following the event. The 23 new videos will be released at 2:00p.m. on where five teaser videos are already available alongside videos from the 2011-2012 set of Growing Good Food Ideas videos.

The 2012-2013 Growing Food Food Ideas videos highlight innovative approaches to economic development, community health, and environmental stewardship across Ontario. Whether addressing issues of food insecurity in the Greater Toronto Area’s through mobile good food markets or fostering economic diversification in Northern Ontario with commercial forest foods foraging, these ideas are all transforming the future of food.

Halton Regional Chair Gary Charr voices the benefit of collaborating on the project: “A healthy agricultural sector is vital to the existence of a healthy Halton Region. That’s why we are so pleased to participate in the Growing Good Food Ideas video series, which allows us to showcase our diverse and innovative farming community and learn about best practices in other communities.”

About Sustain Ontario

Sustain Ontario is a province-wide, cross-sectoral alliance that promotes healthy food and farming. Sustain Ontario takes a collaborative approach to research, policy development and action by addressing the intersecting issues related to healthy food and local sustainable agriculture. Sustain Ontario is working towards a food system that is healthy, ecological, equitable and financially viable. Sustain Ontario is a project of Tides Canada Initiatives.

For more information, to obtain an invitation for media, or to arrange an interview, contact:

Brendan McKay
Acting Director, Sustain Ontario – the Alliance for Healthy Food & Farming
Phone: 647.348.0235




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