Petition: Support local food & good jobs in Ontario

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Author: Sustain Ontario

Posted: March 14, 2013

Categories: Food in the News / Food in the News / News from Sustain Members / News from Sustain Ontario

Food Forward has created a petition to Ontario Premier and Minister of Agriculture and Food Kathleen Wynne. The petition asks Premier Wynne to review her commitment to a Local Food Act for Ontario through a job creation lens.

You can read and add your name to the petition here

From Food Forward:

The Premier of Ontario has committed to re-introducing a stronger Local Food Act to support our local farmers and eaters.

We think the government can do more to create jobs in Ontario like they’ve done with sustainable energy, by supporting the fast-growing local sustainable food sector, while making the province a more awesome place.

Please sign if you agree and want more diverse local food!

One response to “Petition: Support local food & good jobs in Ontario”

  1. Kelly Carmichael says:

    I went to my first Ontario Seed Sale this past week and was amazed to see a huge variety of foods I had never seen before. It really opened my eyes and made me realize we can either: 1. try to compete with other markets doing the same thing everyone else does or; 2. we could create something completely unique and create a market where others will copy our model.

    I believe the wise choice would be #2. It’s time for Ontario to lead. Please support local ideas, local farmers and local jobs and we’ll support Ontario!

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