Ontario Culinary Adventure Photo Contest

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Author: Ravi Singh

Posted: March 11, 2013

Categories: Digital Media (videos, infographics, digital stories) / Nouvelles

Logo via OCTA’s Facebook page.

If you absolutely love local food, the Ontario Culinary Adventure Photo Contest wants you to share its beauty with the world. Whether it’s a delicious meal on a plate made from fresh local ingredients, the bustling crowds or colourful tables of a farmers’ market, or a simple food truck, this is your opportunity to get creative and highlight the incredible diversity and deliciousness of Ontario’s food scene. There are, of course, also prizes! Follow the link in the details below for more information on how to enter and to see some of the beautiful entries already submitted. Submissions will be accepted until March 20th.

From the Ontario Culinary Tourism Alliance:

The 2013 Ontario Culinary Adventure Guide Wants Your Delicious Photos!

From farmers and growers to chefs and shops, we’re looking for photos of the people and places who make our food happen. From food trucks and roadside shacks to farmer’s tables and the finest dining rooms–the plate’s not the limit!

Need more reasons to get snap happy? The top three submissions will receive a gourmet culinary prize pack (approx. value $100) of local-oriented goodies. The winning photo will receive a dinner for two at a Toronto restaurant (approx. value $200) and will be printed in the 2013 Guide

Do Something Delicious… enter the Ontario Culinary Adventure Photo Contest!

Submissions will be accepted at our Flickr group site until midnight March 20, 2013. 


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