CELA presents a model Local Food Act

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Author: Josie Di Felice

Posted: March 7, 2013

Categories: Food in the News / GoodFoodBites / Policy News / Research

Sustain Ontario member and partner, the Canadian Environmental Law Association, is pleased to launch a new model Local Food Act.

Building on work done by Sustain Ontario and its members, as well as their research on best practices from across the globe, CELA’s Model Bill covers a broad range of local food issues, including: governance, local food procurement, local food assessment, distribution, healthy food and farming programs, and food system education. The Model Bill would ensure government action and accountability as a result of mandatory binding targets, reporting to the public and the legislature, public participation, and government coordination.

Kyra Bell-Pasht and Burgandy Dunn, two of the Project Counsels at CELA involved in the preparation of the Model Bill, also took part in our Policies from the Field webinar series. You can also read their related papers on local food procurement, land use planning, and innovative financing on our Polices from the Field research page.

CELA encourages Sustain Ontario members to consider endorsing the Model Local Food Bill through your advocacy efforts, or by contacting the Minister of Agriculture and Food directly to provide your support. You can contact the Minister of Agriculture and Food, Kathleen Wynne, at: kwynne.mpp@liberal.ola.org.

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