Waterford District High School Wins Grand Prize in the Ontario Farm to School Challenge

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Author: Josie Di Felice

Posted: February 27, 2013

Categories: Food in the News / GoodFoodBites

Sustain Ontario would like to send a big congratulations to Waterford District High School, the grand prize winner of the Ontario Farm to School Challenge! Waterford District High School has won a trip to Toronto and tickets to FoodShare’s Recipe for Change event. See how Waterford won here on the Ontario Fresh website.

The Ontario Farm to School Challenge was such a great and successful four months that there will be two more rounds! Stay tuned for details on a spring and fall round, where schools across Ontario will be challenged to purchase more Ontario grown and produced foods for use in their cafeterias, student nutrition programs, culinary arts and hospitality programs, family studies classes and at special events.

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