The Right to Food In Canada

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Author: Ravi Singh

Posted: February 26, 2013

Categories: Events / GoodFoodBites

Logo via Food Secure Canada.

Sustain Ontario proudly supports the following event featuring the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to food, who will present the report of his mission to Canada by webinar from Geneva. The webinar will be live-streamed at the University of Toronto and all are invited to attend.

Where: Claude T. Bissell Building, Room 205, 140 St. George Street

When: Monday March 4th, 11:30 am – 1:30 pm

Contact: Charles Levkoe (

No RSVP required and all are invited to attend. 

More information is available on the official event poster, available here in PDF format (SR Food Poster PDF). From the poster:

Join the discussion about poverty, growing inequity, health, obesity, sustainable agriculture and food systems, and the rights of First Nations, Northern and remote communities to healthy and affordable food. Talk with others in your community about how we can work together to ensure the right to food in Canada. Find out more about the right to food and the 2012 Canada Country Mission, as well as the many events being held across Canada by visiting Food Secure Canada’s website.

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