David Suzuki op-ed: prime farmland and sprawl in GTA

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Author: Jessica Reeve

Posted: February 22, 2013

Categories: Food in the News / Nouvelles

The David Suzuki Foundation released a report recently on the serious threats to prime farmland and nature in Ontario’s Golden Horseshoe from creeping urban development in the region – particularly within a 90,000 ha region called the “Whitebelt”, which the developers want opened-up for further urbanization.

This, despite the fact that some 52,000 ha of approved vacant greenfield land (farmland and nature) is already available to them to be built-out now in the GTA (twice the size of Mississauga). Not to mention, the changing demographics and market conditions that make further urban encroachment onto prime farmland on the edge of the GTA foolhardy at best.

They simply want more.

For the report and the op-ed piece by David Suzuki and Faisal Moola in the Toronto Star this week please visit:


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