New Approach To Urban Beekeeping In Ontario: From Community To Municipality To Province

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Author: Elena Hall

Posted: December 13, 2012

Categories: Food in the News / GoodFoodBites / News from Sustain Ontario / Webinars

How can Ontario tailor the regulations found in the Ontario Bees Act (1990) to meet the demands of beekeeping in an urban context?

Read through the recommendations in this report: Towards a New Approach to Beekeeping Policy in Urban Ontario, completed by students in the Master of Science in Planning at University of Toronto.

The report discusses the legislation that addresses beekeeping in Ontario, the Ontario Bees Act (1990), identifies gaps that exist between the regulatory framework and the actual practice of urban beekeeping and makes recommendations for expanding urban beekeeping in Ontario.If you missed the opportunity to participate in the webinar held on November 27th, you can access a recording here.


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