Ontario Table’s ‘Made In Ontario’ Holiday Challenge

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Author: Jenn Kucharczyk

Posted: November 29, 2012

Categories: Food in the News / News from Sustain Members

The Ontario Table is challenging shoppers to spend a small portion of their holiday budget on Ontario-produced edible goods. This small act not only supports local farmers and food processors, but there is also a large ripple effect. As Lynn Ogryzlo of The Ontario Table writes:

“The average Ontario shopper intends to spend almost $700 on holiday gifting this year. If just $70 or 10% of this was spent on edible gifts crafted from Ontario producers, the economic impact would equate to $500 million extra in our Ontario food system, supporting up to 10,000 food sector jobs.”

Read more about The Ontario Table’s $10 Challenge which runs year-round.