October “Dig In” Webinar Now Available

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Author: Elena Hall

Posted: November 24, 2012

Categories: Food in the News / Local Procurement / Webinars

”The Broader Public Sector. Lessons from Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow”

The 3rd Tuesday of each month, Farm to Cafeteria Canada and Sustain Ontario are hosting webinars with speakers from across Canada that lead programs that bring local, nutritious and sustainably produced foods into public agencies like schools, universities and hospitals.

For the month of October, Franco Naccarato, Program Manager at the Greenbelt Fund share his story of the last 2 years that the Greenbelt has supported funding to 38 organizations and increased the amount of local foods purchased by public institutions by almost $12 million.

Franco shared the learnings from the grant program such as the top 5 things you should know about the public sector, how to understand the marketplace, key players that will help drive change and how to get the products into public institutions.

Learn the key step to understanding an institution and their needs, relationship building between agriculture and the broader public sector and how perceived obstacles aren’t always the real barriers to institutional local food procurement.
Don’t miss out on the opportunity to learn about what the Greenbelt Fund has planned for the coming years!