Beekeeping In Urban Ontario: Policy Meets Practice

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Author: Elena Hall

Posted: November 15, 2012

Categories: Events / Food in the News / GoodFoodBites / News from Sustain Ontario / Research / Webinars

Where does your honey come from?

Did you ever think it could come from the centre of a big city?

Register Here for our webinar on November 27, 2012, from 10 a.m. – 11 a.m.

Mylee Nordin from the Toronto Beekeepers Co-operative will share her stories about beekeeping in the big city. University of Toronto Masters of Planning students will then present their investigation into policy needs for urban beekeeping and policy models from leading urban centres. Recommendations for the evolution of beekeeping policy in Ontario will be discussed.

3 responses to “Beekeeping In Urban Ontario: Policy Meets Practice”

  1. Sounds great! I hope you don’t mind if some interested urban beekeepers from Halifax join the discussion. 

  2. Also, do you know if the webinar will be recorded? It is easy to do with WebEx, and I know that some of our membership is interested in the topic but won’t be able to participate on Tuesday.

  3. Hannah Martin says:

    I have a prior commitment on Tuesday afternoon, but would love to listen to this webinar and would be extremely interested in having this recorded! 

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