Launch of the Ontario Farm to School Challenge

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Author: Avalon

Posted: November 7, 2012

Categories: Edible Education Network / Food in the News / Good Food Ideas for Kids / GoodFoodBites / Schools

Students are taking a bite out of Ontario foods as schools bring the farm to their cafeterias, student nutrition programs, hospitality and culinary arts programs, and special events.

On November 1, 2012 FoodShare Toronto and Sustain Ontario, with support from the Greenbelt Fund, launched the Ontario Farm To School Challenge, which encourages Ontario schools to increase local food in school food programs.

By participating in the Ontario Farm to School Challenge and choosing to buy Ontario products schools will:

  • Help to support Ontario farmers and producers
  • Educate students of all ages about the wonderful and good things that grow in Ontario
  • Spread the word that Ontario produces heaps of good, healthy food that children and youth can enjoy all year long
  • Benefit the environment
  • And enter for a chance to win some exciting prizes for their school or school board.

Over the course of the Challenge, which runs from November 1, 2012 to February 1, 2013, organizers FoodShare Toronto and Sustain Ontario will offer educational materials, profile Ontario Farm to School Champions, and hold informative webinars and training to help participating schools source local food from existing suppliers, find new suppliers, and inspire fun ideas for menu planning and student involvement.

Whether you’ve been sourcing Ontario food for a long time or you are newly committed there’s an opportunity to get involved, share your stories, recipes and strategies. To register your school, create a profile at and fill out a weekly progress report to let us know how much local food you are buying and how you are involving staff and students. Your weekly progress report is also your chance to win great weekly and overall prizes for your school.

To learn more about the Ontario Farm to School Challenge, visit the website at or contact one of the project leads. Connect with us on Facebook and Twitter to stay up-to-date on contest winners, recipes and videos.

Sustain Ontario

Contact: Ravenna Nuaimy-Barker, Director, Sustain Ontario
Office: 401 Richmond Street West, Suite 365, Toronto, ON
Phone: 416-890-0937 Email:

FoodShare Toronto

Contact: Meredith Hayes, Student Nutrition and School Program Senior Manager
Office: 90 Croatia Street, Toronto, ON
Phone: 416-803-7405 Email:

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