Help Create a New National Park in Ontario that Includes Agriculture!

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Author: Jenn Kucharczyk

Posted: October 4, 2012

Categories: Food in the News / News from Sustain Members / News from Sustain Ontario

Rouge National Urban ParkA new national park is being created, just east of Toronto and Markham, spanning 60 square kilometers and including 5,000 acres of prime farmland it is one of the most exciting opportunities for farmland protection, near-urban agriculture and local food  in our generation!

The Public Involvement Phase of the Park’s planning is quickly coming to a close on Monday October 8th. If you would like to see agriculture and farmland protection as part of the plan, fill out this survey from Parks Canada by Monday to voice your support for these priorities. As well, you can send a letter to Parks Canada to express your concerns. Ontario Farmland Trust has provided a sample letter as a guide and an outline of their recommendations to Parks Canada if you would like to learn more about their vision of the future of farming in the park.

Some of the Farmland’s Trusts recommendations to sustain farming in the park include that:
– Federally-held lands in Durham Region adjacent to the park also be permanently protected for agriculture and conservation
– Prime farmland within the park remains available for farming activities
– Farming areas are buffered and protected from other uses (eg. recreation)

Click Here to read the Farmland Trust’s full recommendations to Parks Canada.

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