Member Event: Let’s Get Growing!

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Author: Sarah

Posted: September 19, 2012

Categories: Events / Food in the News / News from Sustain Members

Post taken from Toronto Green Community

Food Action Community Engagement (FACE) is hosting an end-of-summer “LET’S GET GROWING” event as a follow-up to our earlier event held at 931 Yonge Street on April 28 of this year. Among other things, tenants will be invited to speak about, or display information about, their own food security projects. It will also provide an opportunity for tenants and staff to share their successes and challenges.

The event will be held on September 23, 2012, at Greenwood Towers, 145 Strathmore Blvd., from 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm. Light refreshments will be served and TTC tokens will be provided.

To Participate, please call: 647-933-8252 or email

It is important that tenants network with one another in order to establish working relationships with staff, other tenants and our community partners to facilitate working together on new projects or to reinvigorate older ones.

We will also be looking at how TCHC can be integrated into the new Toronto Urban Agriculture Action Plan. To this end we have invited speakers from several food-related organizations to give presentations on how their organization is contributing to the roll out of the Action Plan and what TCHC’s role in that plan might be. A discussion will ensue as to what the next steps might be for staff and residents of TCHC.

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