Member Event: Eco Farm Day 2013 – Call for Presentation

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Author: Luyi

Posted: September 12, 2012

Categories: Events

What: Eco Farm Day 2013

When: Saturday, February 23rd 2013

Where: Cornwall, Ontario, Canada

Eco Farm Day, hosted by Canadian Organic Growers, Ottawa Chapter, is the leading learning and networking conference for organic agriculture and food in Eastern Ontario and beyond. The next edition is scheduled on February 23rd, 2013 under the theme “Water – Emerging Issues for the Organic Producer”.  Eco Farm Day 2013 is calling for presentations by anyone with good education resource or experience to share with farmers, business owners, processors and enthousiasts.

Last year’s 2012 edition hosted Steve Beauchesne from Beau’s All Natural Brewing Company as our keynote speaker on the theme of Vibrant Family Businesses in Organic Agriculture, with 12 excellent workshops, over 35 exhibitors, and over 250 participants. Our Saturday evening gala featured Lucy Sharratt from the Canadian Biotechnology Action Network on the subject of GM alfalfa. The programs and presentations of the last 5 years are available online at .

The next edition is scheduled for Saturday, February 23rd 2013, in Cornwall, Ontario. The theme of Eco Farm Day 2013 is “Water – Emerging Issues for the Organic Producer”.

We are pleased to announce our keynote speaker for 2013: Maude Barlow on the subject of “Water – Emerging Issues for the Organic Producer”. Maude Barlow is the National Chairperson of the Council of Canadians and chairs the board of Washington-based Food and Water Watch. In 2008/2009, she served as Senior Advisor on Water to the 63rd President of the United Nations General Assembly and was a leader in the campaign to have water recognized as a human right by the UN. She is also the author of dozens of reports, as well as 16 books, including the international best seller Blue Covenant: The Global Water Crisis and The Coming Battle for the Right to Water.

For more information:



This is a call for presentations by anyone with a good educational subject or experience to share with organic farmers, processors, businesses, and enthusiasts. There is excellent research happening in organic agriculture and food in Canada. There are also many lessons learned as operators improve their performance. Surely, there must be lots of useful material to present to in our life-long need for ongoing education. While we like to attract presentations linked to the theme of water, we are also open to other useful educational material.

What information can you offer to organic farmers and food businesses to help them improve their overall performance? A workshop that you presented elsewhere in past years is still very relevant. It is valuable to recycle some workshops to include new material and to offer it to people who missed it the first time. Perhaps you know of a presenter or subject. Perhaps you attended an interesting workshop recently that we need to know about. Please send us the referral.

A donation of speaking time to COG Ottawa is most appreciated. Otherwise, Eco Farm Day offers a speaker’s fee of $200 for each workshop. This can be paid cash or exchanged for an exhibit space for your business or institution. As many speakers are fairly local, Eco Farm Day does not normally pay for traveling; however, opportunities exist to fund distant speakers of particular interest to our audience.

Please pass this invitation along to your contacts.

Please send your referral or your own contact information and an abstract to myself at this address.

Tom Manley, Chair — Eco Farm Day

1 Union Street, Berwick ON K0C 1G0

tel 613-984-0480

fax 613-984-0481

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