Farm to Cafeteria Canada Dig in Webinar Series Presents:

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Author: Carolyn

Posted: September 4, 2012

Categories: News from Sustain Ontario

Change from the Ground Up: How a Community Greenhouse enhances Food Security and Farm-School in the Canadian Rockies

September 18th at 3pm EST


Ally Candy–Greenhouse Educator, Groundswell Network Society,

Alison Bell, David Thompson Secondary School, Invermere, BC.

Ally and Alison will tell the story of Groundswell’s award-winning solar greenhouse next to David Thompson Secondary School.  Built with a groundswell of over 300 community volunteers and financial support from a bounty of private and local and provincial organizations, the Groundswell Community Greenhouse is an educational leader in food security, organic growing practices, sustainability and community-building.  The greenhouse provides educational and flavourful experiences by teaching community members and students from Rocky Mountain School District and by feeding our high school fresh salads greens, tomatoes, herbs and edible flowers throughout the school year.

Register Now for this free webinar!

Save the dates – “Dig In” mini webinars will be offered on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 3 pm EST. 

Farm to Cafeteria Canada is pleased to announce “Dig in” – a webinar series designed to provide inspirational ideas, tools and resources for Farm to Cafeteria enthusiasts.


Our “mini webinars” vary in length from 30-45 minutes and feature guest speakers who will engage the audience in lively dialogue on timely topics such as “Farm to Cafeteria: Canada Digs in”, “Local Food Procurement”, “Keeping the “Farm” in Farm to Cafeteria”, “Sustainable F2S Models”, “Food Safety: Debunking the Myths”, “Field to Plate in High School Cafeterias”, “Local Food on the Patient Tray”, ” Chefs Go Local”, and more…