Online Member Workshop: PeaceMeal

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Author: Avalon

Posted: August 7, 2012

Categories: Events / Food in the News / News from Sustain Members / News from Sustain Ontario / Research

Imagine if our daily act of eating could contribute to creating a peaceful world! Join the National Peace Academy for the online workshop PeaceMeal: Cultivating Peace through Food, August 20-September 17, 2012.

This is the vision of the PeaceMeal Project, which seeks to promote a culture of peace through food. The food system is the human system which is most deeply connected to and dependent on the natural environment. Promoting a culture of peace requires that we develop a right relationship with the ourselves, our communities, and the environment through our production and consumption of food. Through this dynamic online course, we will examine the relationship between food and peace at different levels, from the personal to the global, using various frameworks including culture of peace, food sovereignty and food security. Participants will explore how our daily act of eating is connected to different facets of peace, and reflect on their own place in the food system. We will also diagnose non-peaceful elements of the food system and identify strategies to increase or enhance peace there, and will develop personal strategies to promote peace through food.

Learning Goals

  • Participants will develop increased awareness of their relationship to food and their place in the food system.
  • Participants will make connections between peace and food at all levels, from the personal to the global.
  • Participants will develop strategies and action plans so that they can increase their ability to promote peace through food.
  • Participants will learn skills and practical tools to take back to their organizations and workplaces to foster social and ecological peace.

Core Knowledge
culture of peace, food sovereignty, mindful eating, food security

Core Skills
Reflective thinking, critical thinking, online dialogue, mindfulness

To learn more and to register for the course, visit