SPIN Farming Workshop

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Author: Avalon

Posted: July 17, 2012

Categories: Events / Food in the News / News from Sustain Ontario

Ready to take your urban farm to the next level?

SPIN farmer Curtis Stone is coming to Toronto to share how to turn your green plot into green ($$$) while feeding your community, creating beautiful spaces, and using a proven path to success.

Seats still remain but to get one, you need to sign up by August 1. Details and link to registration form are below.

Workshop title: Make Money As an Urban Farmer with SPIN-Farming®
Date: August 15, 8:30 am – noon
Place: Ryerson University
Workshop leader: Curtis Stone, Owner/Operator Green City Acres, Kelowna, BC
Sponsor: Urban Agriculture Summit
Cost: $179 for summit delegates; $199 for non delegates

Register online here: http://urbanagsummit.org/index.php/program/trainingandworkshopshalfday
Registration deadline: August 1

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