Public Lecture: Thinking Through Food

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Author: Stephanie

Posted: June 26, 2012

Categories: Events

The Jackman Humanities Institute is pleased to present a public lecture by Margaret Visser

Topic: Thinking Through Food: The Fruitful, the Meaty, the Hard to Stomach
Location: University of Toronto, 170 St.George Street room 100a
Date/Time: Jul 9th, 9:30-12:30 pm

Abstract: Wherever food is plentiful, modern behaviour relating to eating has become, in the humanities and social sciences, a lens through which “modernity” is tracked and analysed.  This is a very recent phenomenon: there was nothing to compare with it only thirty years ago.  This keynote address will examine the study of the culture of eating, why it has assumed such importance, and the directions it is taking.

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