Toronto Food Access: A Tale of Two Postal Codes

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Author: Caitlin

Posted: June 20, 2012

Categories: Growing Good Food Ideas / Stories

Toronto Food Access: A Tale of Two Postal Codes from Cultural Production on Vimeo.

Toronto Food Access: A Tale of Two Postal Codes documents the story of two women living in varying Toronto Communities and their journeys to access fresh food.  Their stories different greatly because of the difference in population density of their communities.  We also explore some viable solutions, such as policy level change and community organizations that would support and assure equal access to food for all people, regardless of their location or economic status.
Narrated by: Susanna Redekop; Katrina Weckerle; Debbie Field
Produced by: Jennifer Budinsky & Michelle German
Photographs by: Jennifer Budinsky; Susanna Redekop (personal photographs); FoodShare (stock images)


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