Webinar: The Stop’s Drop-in Meals

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Author: Stephanie

Posted: June 19, 2012

Categories: News from Sustain Ontario

Join us on June 27th from 12 to 1 pm for the next installment in our webinar series! Entitled: “Procurement and Preparation: field to plate at The Stop’s drop-in meals” this event will focus the food served at our Drop-in meal program. This webinar will cover procurement, our commitment to supporting local-sustainable food, resources and infrastructure for a high-volume kitchen, funding, perspectives on healthy food, how it all fits together with the ‘anatomy of a meal’ and more!

Featuring the expertise of The Stop’s Community Chef Scott MacNeil and Assistant Community Chef Ashley Shortall, this webinar will be moderated by Program Director Kathryn Scharf.

Click here to register for this exciting discussion.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact ross@thestop.org


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