My bad! Learning from failure in good food work

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Author: Stephanie

Posted: June 15, 2012

Categories: Events

Working, volunteering or interested in local, sustainable, healthy, ethical food initiatives & businesses in the City? Come learn from our panel of Toronto food innovators. We all make mistakes, but do we learn from them? How can business and non-profit programs grow facing after strumbling blocks? What challenges face our sector? Come join the discussion with folks who’ve had plenty of success:

Location: Toronto Naval Club, 1910 Gerrard St. East
Date: June 19, 7:00-10:00pm
Cost: $5 for Food Forward members, $10 for guests (pay/register at the door or in advance)

After the panel, stick around for Foodie Drinks, to mingle and learn about some initiatives and businesses in Beaches-East York and Toronto-Danforth. Join foodie Councillor Mary-Margaret McMahon and others to learn more about what’s happening and how to get involved.

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